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akashic record readings




Akashic Record Reading with Akashic Bec: 


World renowned psychic Edgar Cayce referred to the Akashic Records as “God’s Book of Remembrance,” and it is essentially a meta-physical super computer containing the details of every single person’s life, every location’s existence, every event great and small. It’s the knowledge of our souls. It’s a tapestry of what makes each person who they are. It ties together every plane of existence. The Akashic Records is what shows us our connection to one another in an individual way.

How is Akashic Bec able to access my Records?

First and foremost, she must have your explicit permission to access your Records. Secondly, when you go into meditation, she is able to connect to your energy frequency. She remains a neutral channel for your Higher Self and any of your Guides who communicate through us the contents of your specific Records. She is only able to see and share what they show her, nothing more. They communicate with her via her spiritual gifts of clairaudience (what she hears), claircognizance (what she sees in her mind) and clairsentience (what she feels.) Trust is very important in this process!


What can I expect during a reading?

At the beginning of your reading, Akashic Bec will do a short guided meditation and some breath work to get comfortable and settle into the space. She will say the Prayer of the Akashic Records and share with you what comes through initially, then you can begin with your questions. You may ask one at a time. Once your session is complete, she will do the Closing Prayer and you can discuss anything you would like for the remainder of the hour.


Livestream Readings Available! 


60 Minute Reading - $111


meet the healer


Akashic records practitioner AkashicBec

My name is Rebecca, aka Akashic Bec, and I am your Akashic Records Reader, at your service! My mission is to share with you the practical yet sage advice of your unique and individual Akashic Records, without judgement or fear, as a clear channel so that you can live the most beautiful and abundant life possible! All of your information is kept confidential and your privacy is my utmost priority.

I’m an empath, clairaudient, claircognizant and clairsentient. I’m able to feel others emotions as my own, and hear, see and feel energy of Spirit. I work with Archangels and spirit guides, in particular Archangels Michael and Zadekiel.

My spiritual awakening has been happening my entire life but came to a head in 2017. I’m interested in Astrology, Numerology, Human Design, tarot, astrocartography and plan to learn reiki very soon! I’m an enneagram 5 and toggle between profile INFJ/INFP. I’m happily married and have one human child and two fur babies. Born and raised in Memphis, TN, and still live nearby.

When I’m not working, I’m reading, walking in nature, practicing modern calligraphy, camping, or visiting with family and friends. I absolutely love to travel!


“Wisdom is found in the ancient books.” This quote was shared with me by Spirit during a particularly intense meditation in 2019. I was shown the vision of an old book, with ornate corners and tattered edged pages, covered in dust and cobwebs. I very gently opened the pages but was unable to read the words written on them. When I looked up, I saw an infinite library stretched out as far as the eye can see, illuminated as it trailed down. All at once I realized - these were the Akashic Records, as portrayed to me. An avid reader of books, libraries hold a special place in my heart, and to have it shown to me in this way made perfect sense! Not long after, I was lead by Spirit to access my records, and the experience was absolutely beautiful, insightful, emotional and confirming. I began learning all I could about the Akashic Records and which eventually lead to opening a business dedicated to helping others gain access to the information held within. The guidance of the Records is priceless and life-changing.


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