Yoga is a great physical workout. If you’re looking to improve flexibility, build strength, recover from injury, or even build cardiovascular health, yoga’s got you covered. But the offerings at Delta Groove Yoga, one of the longest-running yoga studios in Memphis, go far beyond tending to the physical body.
The yoga traditions say that the body actually has five layers, or sheaths, called the koshas. For optimal health, it’s recommended that you tend to all five layers. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the Delta Groove services, workshops, and offerings that tend to the other parts of the body through the lens of the koshas.

What are the koshas?
The koshas are the layers of our being. They start at the outside with the densest layer, and they go inward as they become more subtle. Although they are divided into these five sheaths, it’s important to remember that they are interconnected and even build on each other. What you feel and think and are on one level projects to other layers as well. From external to internal, or gross to subtle, the five koshas are:
Annamaya Kosha
This is the physical layer of your body. It’s made up of and fueled by the food we eat. This is also the most easily identifiable layer of the body because it’s the one most associated with the senses and our ability to move, be active, and get things done. But there’s so much more to us.
Pranamaya Kosha
This is the layer of the body made up of the vital life force of prana. It’s our energetic body, how we project into the world, our aura. It’s fueled by the prana we take in through our breath and food and through the way we interact with the cosmic energy of everything that surrounds us.
Manomaya Kosha
This is the mental layer of the body, and it’s made up of our thoughts and emotions and how they project outward through the way we physically show up in the world and the energy we bring to our relationships and life situations.
Vijnanamaya Kosha
This is the intuitive or inherent wisdom layer of the body. When you receive messages in your gut about whether or not to take that trip or new job, or when you’re called to (or pushed away from!) a certain person, this is your vijnanamaya kosha talking. This layer of wisdom is interconnected with the cosmos and contains more knowledge than we know. It’s all accessible to us though, just by tuning in.
Anandamaya Kosha
The most subtle layer of the body is the bliss body. At this level of our body, we are free from mental thoughts and emotions, existing only in this moment. This is the part of our body that knows joy and contains our highest truth, our soul.
Holistic Healing for the Entire Body
So now that we understand more about the different layers of the body, let’s talk about how to work with them here at Delta Groove!
Working on the Physical Body: Yoga, Thai Massage & Amethyst BioMat
When it comes to working on the physical body, one of the most direct ways to tune up, tune in, and transform is through our yoga classes. Delta Groove offers a variety of yoga classes in Memphis that give you a great physical workout and start to help you tune in to the other, more subtle areas of the body as well.
Yoga Classes
Check out our full description of yoga classes for more info on gentle yoga, kundalini yoga, vinyasa yoga, and much more. Of course, the best way to learn more about yoga and what it can do for your physical body is to attend a class. Delta Groove offers a special deal for new students that allows you to try out unlimited classes for two weeks for just $22. Since every teacher puts their own spin on class, trying a variety of classes is the best way to find what works for you.
Private Yoga Lessons
If you’re looking for more one-on-one attention, Delta Groove also offers private yoga lessons from our highly trained teachers. In a private lesson, you can expect direct attention in lessons customized for your goals. You can choose to work on a specific body part, goal (like improving posture, for example), or getting up to speed on the different poses, or asana, that you might encounter in yoga classes.
Thai Massage
We also offer Thai massage sessions, which is another way to connect with your physical body. Sometimes called "assisted asana," Thai massage combines compression, acupressure, and passive stretching. This modality can contribute to an increased range of motion in your joints and muscles, which can improve your posture and relieve back pain.
Amethyst BioMat
A unique healing modality that Delta Groove offers are Amethyst BioMat sessions. Lie on our full-length BioMat Professional, and instantly feel the warmth of the infrared rays deeply penetrating your body as the negative ions deliver healing signals to your body. The BioMat’s unique technology penetrates at the cellular level, addressing a wide range of health issues and offering physical relaxation. Many people feel immediate improvements to levels of pain and discomfort and a deep feeling of relaxation.
Working on the Energetic Body: Reiki, Crystals, Sound Healing & Breathwork
One of the ways you work with the energetic body is by strengthening it. A strong and healthy aura projects your energy into the world and is related to a strong and healthy nervous system. It’s your ability to regulate yourself when times are tough, your ability to bounce back from adversity, and to overcome challenges. Strengthening the physical body is one way to strengthen the energetic body, and there are also other complementary modalities that work with the energetic body.
Reiki Energy Healing
In a reiki healing session, the practitioner harnesses the universal life force energy that exists in everything around us and uses it to heal, balance chakras, and smooth the aura. Reiki is a complementary health approach in which practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above a person, with the goal of facilitating the person’s own healing response and a return to a natural state of wholeness. Recipients of reiki report feelings of relaxation, well-being, reduction of pain and stress, and often a greater connection to their own inner spirit.
Crystal Healing
Crystals and crystal healing is a powerful way to balance the energy centers, known as chakras, in your body. Crystal healing sessions ease tense muscles and provide a feeling of deep relaxation, which can help with stress, anxiety, body pain, and sleeping problems. And on an emotional and spiritual level, crystals can help enhance self-esteem, encourage clarity, and inspire a sense of peace and centeredness. In addition to offering crystal healing sessions, the crystal enthusiasts at Delta Groove can also help you identify crystals in our gem boutique that suit your personal vibration for your own self-healing or spiritual practice.
Sound Healing
Vibrational sound healing has been shown to help reduce stress, promote restful sleep, and relax tension in the body by producing a specific resonance and tone. During Delta Groove sound bath sessions in Memphis, healers use a combination of crystal singing bowls and handheld practitioner bowls, which are tuned to specific chakras. Some healers also incorporate the didgeridoo and gong.
At Delta Groove Yoga in Midtown Memphis, we incorporate breathwork into all of our yoga classes. Pranayama is an integral part of yoga, so if you attend a yoga class at Delta Groove, odds are, you’ll encounter one or more of these breathing techniques. In addition to our kundalini, vinyasa, ashtanga, and gentle yoga classes, we also offer class styles that focus more explicitly on pranayama:
Meditation, Mantra, and Pranayama: Using Kundalini Yoga Meditations, Mantras, and Pranayama, you’ll cultivate energy balance to create inner peace so as to project outer peace.
Breathwork Class: A guided meditation/relaxation is followed by a guided visualization journey where you can connect with different versions of you, your guides, past loved ones or any messages you might receive.
Breathwork and Sound Healing: A guided meditation is followed by a transformative breathwork journey and ends with a beautiful layer of sound healing to ground you back into your body and being.
In private breathwork sessions through our Healing Arts Center, breathwork is used as an active meditation that gets you out of your head and into your body and heart. Each session is individualized and tailored to your personal needs. Using two-part pranayama breath done through the mouth while laying down, and complemented with music and essential oils, participants are guided through a somatic journey of emotional release and healing followed by a reflective rest period to integrate your session.
Working on the Mental Body: Meditation Classes and Training & Creative Writing
Our thoughts and emotions influence the energy we project and even the way we physically show up in the world. Think about someone overcome by constant stress or fear: their shoulders might be hunched, their hips might be tense, and their energy might be jumpy or overly protective or confrontational. This is just one example of how these different body sheaths work together. The body and the mind are in a constant feedback loop with each other. By calming the body, you can calm the mind and vice versa.
Meditation Classes
There are plenty of articles, books, and videos that can help you learn to meditate. But you also don’t have to go it alone. At Delta Groove, meditation is built into many of our yoga classes, whether it’s referred to as “centering” at the start of a vinyasa class or an explicit mantra meditation during a kundalini class. We also offer two classes specifically for those looking to bring more meditation into their lives.
Meditation, Mantra, and Pranayama uses specific seated postures, angles, and breathing sequences to cultivate balance and create inner peace so as to project outer peace. This class is rooted in the Kundalini yoga tradition and is suitable for students of any experience level and any mobility.
Mindfulness Meditation uses a variety of mindfulness practices and simple meditation techniques in a supportive space where you can share the experience with others. Whether you’re new to mindfulness or seeking to deepen your practice, this class offers a welcoming environment to explore how meditation can help you find greater peace, clarity, and self-compassion.
Meditation Consultation
For those looking to go deeper, Delta Groove also offers one-on-one meditation lessons taught by experienced teachers. You’ll learn tools and resources to help you develop a personal meditation practice that fits your needs.
Learn breathing techniques to bring mind and body together in the present moment
Practice mantra to uplift your mood and reprogram your old patterns
Experience several approaches, including mindfulness, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, and Kundalini Yoga
Develop a more intimate relationship with yourself so you can live a more authentic, serene, and empowered life
Creative Writing Workshops
Working on your mental body isn’t just about meditating and keeping your journey inward. It’s also about giving your mind the chance to express itself. At Delta Groove, we offer creative writing workshops that we treat as sacred circles. An experienced facilitator guides the group through writing prompts followed by opportunities to share what you’ve written in a supportive and confidential environment. These workshops are offered periodically throughout the year. Stay tuned to our workshops and events page or sign up for our newsletter on our homepage for more info.
Working on the Wisdom Body: Cacao Ceremonies, Akashic Record Sessions, Past-Life Regression, & Dharma Quest
The Wisdom Body is sometimes referred to as “the mind beyond the mind.” It’s the seat of your intuition, where you have access to a deeper level of understanding that transcends what you can consciously be aware of with your thinking mind, or intellect. This level of the body can be thought of as pure awareness without preconceived notions or habitual thoughts or actions.
Cacao Ceremonies
In cacao ceremonies, you’re invited to work with the spirit of cacao, a feminine, heart-opening plant medicine long-revered in indigenous cultures around the world. Ceremonies are conducted in a sacred circle space and can be paired with guided meditation, medicine songs, journaling, breathwork, and dance. Participants often feel a deeper connection to themselves and spirit, receiving healing downloads and messages in this ritual space. Stay tuned to our workshops and events page or sign up for our newsletter on our homepage for more info.
Akashic Record Readings
The Akashic records have been referred to as “God’s Book of Remembrance.” They can be thought of as a metaphysical super computer containing the details of every person’s life, every location’s existence, every event great and small. During an Akashic records reading, the practitioner connects to your energy frequency as a neutral channel for your higher self and any of your guides and delivers the messages channeled through these communications to you.
Past-Life Regression
The more knowledge and understanding you have of your past experiences and how they affect your reactions to people, places and events, the nearer you are to true freedom. During a past-life regression session, participants are led into deep relaxation to allow access to your subconscious mind, who remembers everything. The practitioner prompts you with questions specifically designed to bring your journey to life. The experience remains entirely your own and you are conscious throughout. After, there's time to discuss, integrate, and if needed, help interpret the guidance you received from your past selves.
Dharma Quest
Your dharma is your mission in life, the reason you’re here in this incarnation in this lifetime. Meaning is to our soul what air, food, and shelter are to our bodies. Without it, our failures look like total collapse and our victories do not satisfy us. Discovering your purpose in life gives you the energy, focus, and guidance you need to make the changes you want. Dharma quest sessions draw inspiration from the ideas of visionaries like Edgar Cayce and Carl Jung to:
Clarify your core value, your personal spiritual ideal
Take inventory of your talents, abilities, and strengths, the touchstones of your purpose in life
Choose the words that express your mission statement, the gift you have to offer the world in order to move it forward
View your life path from a broader perspective that you can always rely on to empower you and not be discouraged by hardship
Working with the Bliss Body: Yogic Numerology, Ecstatic Dance & Yoga and Wellness Retreats
The innermost and most subtle layer of the body is the bliss body. The bliss body represents the essence of our souls, where there is no separateness perceived from the normal trappings of this body, this mind, this lifetime. Connecting with this layer of the body involves developing a spiritual practice that helps you go deep within to a point of forgetting your ego, transcending your karma, and tapping into the joyous heart of existence.
Yogic Numerology
Yogic numerology sessions are based on Tantric Numerology from the Kundalini Yoga system and are a great tool in developing a daily spiritual practice. Using the numbers from your birth date, the practitioner helps you look at where your strengths and weaknesses tend to ebb and flow in your life. The goal is to help you become aware of and direct these qualities toward your higher purpose. From your numerological information, you work with the practitioner to develop a personal Kundalini Yoga and Meditation practice to use as a consistent tool for the development of your spiritual practice. This consultation is a great way to set a daily discipline for yourself, as it includes a full yoga practice and a recommended mantra and/or breath meditation. It's these daily disciplined practices that will show you the most transformative and healing results.
Ecstatic Dance
Ecstatic dance uses free-form movement to reach a state of ecstasy or heightened awareness that transcends the ego. At Delta Groove, we pair dance with cacao ceremonies, live music, and guided meditations, among other activities. Read our recent blog post to learn more about how dance can propel you into a state of bliss. And stay tuned to our workshops and events page or sign up for our newsletter on our homepage for more info.
Yoga Retreats
Sometimes, the thing that’s needed to break out of your habitual thought patterns and activities is to literally break away. Yoga retreats provide the opportunity to revitalize your spirit, learn in community, integrate new practices, and experience personal growth. Delta Groove retreats provide participants with the opportunity to come together in Kundalini Yoga, meditation, sacred ceremonies, dancing, and deep connection with nature, spirit, and each other. The goal is to channel the wisdom that resides inside you to integrate magic into your daily life, fostering wholeness, authenticity, balance, creativity, and a liberated spirit. Our next yoga retreat is June 2025 in Tulum, Mexico.
Find Holistic Healing in Memphis
Complete wellness is about more than just developing the physical body and getting a “good workout.” It’s about going deeper to explore the inner workings of your energetic body, your mind, your emotions, even your soul. Delta Groove provides healing opportunities on all levels and a welcoming community where you can be your authentic self among others on the same journey.